'Chestburster' Wasps Erupt From Mississippi's Adult Flies in Surprise Find

The weird world of wasps and why we should worry if they are on the wane

Wasps use face-recognition brain cells to identify each other

Wasps that recognize faces cooperate more, may be smarter

'Alien' wasps thriving in tropical forests

Male Wasps Have Been Seen Using Their Genitals as Weapons Against Predators

Male wasps use spiky genitals to defend themselves from predators

For Wasps, Sexuality Equality Includes Genital Stingers

Long genital spines on male wasps can save their lives

These Male Wasps Use Genital Spines to Scare Off Attackers

Male wasps fend off attackers with penis ‘stingers’

The Big Fight Over 403 Very Small Wasps

Endless Forms: The Secret World Of Wasps By Seirian Sumner — Review

Paper wasps form abstract concept of 'same' and 'different'

Wasps can grasp abstract concepts such as 'same' and 'different'