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Study examines grief of zoo employees and volunteers across the US after animal losses

Science Done by Volunteers Highlighted at December’s American Geophysical Union Meeting

Walking in short bursts found to consume 20% to 60% more energy than walking continuously for same distance: « The volunteers used more energy if they started and stopped multiple times compared to engaging in a steady, longer-duration activity, as they covered the same amount of ground. »

Autumn Leaves – Call for Volunteers

What Drugmakers Did Not Tell Volunteers in Alzheimer’s Trials

Martian Chronicles: Volunteers Simulate 45-Day Journey to the Red Planet

Volunteers Complete a Simulated Year on Mars

Four volunteers, 378 days: NASA completes first mission simulating astronaut life on Mars

Volunteers who lived in a NASA-created Mars replica for over a year have emerged

North Carolina Volunteers Work Toward Cleaner Well Water

Pioneering the Fight Against Dementia: 20,000 Volunteers Join Groundbreaking Study

More Than 36,000 Volunteers Helped Do NASA Eclipse Science

More Than 36,000 Volunteers Helped Do NASA Eclipse Scienc

NASA looking for volunteers to photograph the solar eclipse with their smartphones

NASA is looking for volunteers to live in its Mars simulation for a year

Volunteers inhale air pollutants to unpack link to dementia

Volunteers Worldwide Successfully Tracked NASA’s Artemis I Mission

New Patterns in Mars’s Clouds Revealed by Volunteers

Infecting volunteers with dengue virus shows experimental drug’s promise

NASA’s Scientists and Volunteers Tackle the October 14 Solar Eclipse