The Cobra Troopers serve as the basic foot soldiers of the Cobra Organization, as part of the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and animated series.

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Private FLIP moon rover replaces NASA's cancelled VIPER on 2025 lunar south pole mission

VIPER back from the dead? NASA asks US companies to partner on ice-hunting moon rover

NASA requests industry proposals for VIPER lunar rover partnership

NASA outlines impacts of VIPER on CLPS lunar lander program

VIPER Passes All Its Tests, But Future Still Uncertain

Last month NASA canceled the VIPER lunar rover. From a budget of $250 million, the total cost had grown to $609.6 MM—not counting a now $323 MM lander. The response has been largely negative, but some say "The scandal isn’t that NASA canceled the mission. The scandal is that NASA waited this long."

You can’t always judge a viper by its color

Intuitive Machines seeks to take over NASA’s VIPER lunar rover

NASA is Looking for a Commercial Partner to Save VIPER

NASA is Looking for a Commercial Partner to Save VIPER

NASA is Looking for a Commercial Partner to Save VIPER

NASA requests details on potential VIPER partnerships

VIPER Clears Acoustic Tests as Scientists Question Proposed Cancellation

NASA cancels VIPER lunar rover

NASA cancels $450 million VIPER moon rover due to budget concerns

NASA’s VIPER Gets Its Head and Neck

How VIPER’s High-Tech Mast Is Transforming Lunar Missions

Astrobotic to launch mini rover along with NASA's ice-hunting VIPER on next moon mission

NASA's ice-hunting VIPER moon rover getting ready to slither to the launch pad

Into the Belly of the Rover: VIPER’s Final Science Instrument Installed