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Violence alters human genes for generations, researchers discover
Violence alters human genes for generations, researchers discover - EurekAlert
10 Minutes of Violence Gave The Moon Its Very Own 'Grand Canyons'
Violence on TV: What happens to children who watch?
Donald Trump’s tweets predicted bursts of violence during January 6 Capitol riot, study finds
Rape, Homicide, and Abortion Bans — The Abandonment of People Subjected to Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence
Personal Conflicts, Even Violence, Are Not Uncommon in Long-Term Care
The Mind After Midnight: Exploring the Dark Link Between Sleeplessness and Violence
'When you improve nutrition, you reduce violence': Psychologist Kimberley Wilson on working in Europe's largest women's prison
In the House of Psychiatry, a Jarring Tale of Violence
“Just Be White (JBW)”: Incels, Race and Violence
School focus on grades, test scores linked to violence against teachers
AI chatbots tend to choose violence and nuclear strikes in wargames
Explosion of violence in Ecuador shuts down science
Violence Flared Within Our Earliest Cities Before We Learned to Manage It
New study reveals a long history of violence in ancient hunter-gatherer societies
Cutting cartel recruitment could be the only way to reduce Mexico’s violence