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Luteolin, an antioxidant in vegetables, may contribute to the prevention of hair graying - EurekAlert

Fruits And Vegetables Have a Surprising Effect on Depression Risk

Is it really cheaper to cultivate your own fruit and vegetables?

A Microbiologist Explains The Best Way to Wash Fruit And Vegetables

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and unsaturated fats in midlife can improve the chances of good mental, physical and cognitive health decades later, a new report shows.

Trying to eat more vegetables? Snacking on carrots might help - EurekAlert

Uptake of tire wear additives by vegetables grown for human consumption

Uptake of tire wear additives by vegetables grown for human consumption - EurekAlert

Eat Plants, Beat Cancer: New Study Links Vegetables To Lower Prostate Cancer Risks

Are Frozen Vegetables as Healthy as Fresh? You Might Be Surprised.

Developing novel methods to detect antibiotics in vegetables and earthworms

Fixin' to be flexitarian: Scrap fish and invasive species can liven up vegetables

Wax On, Bacteria Off: The Future of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

The Cooking Advantage: Nine Vegetables That Offer More Nutrition When Cooked

China's astronauts grow vegetables in orbit, with an eye on deep space exploration

The microbiome of fruit and vegetables positively influences diversity in the gut

A Health Paradigm Shift: Prescription for Free Fruits and Vegetables Linked to Better Heart Health