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Let’s take the uptake - EurekAlert

New take on immunotherapy reinvigorates T cells by blocking uptake of energy-sapping cancer byproducts

New take on immunotherapy reinvigorates T cells by blocking uptake of energy-sapping cancer byproducts - EurekAlert

Climate change can alter methane emission and uptake in the Amazon - EurekAlert

HPTN 091 study shows encouraging uptake and adherence to oral PrEP among transgender women - EurekAlert

COVID-19 vaccination mandates boosted uptake among health care workers, study finds

A Systematic Review of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Challenges and Strategies to Enhance Uptake

Uptake of tire wear additives by vegetables grown for human consumption

Uptake of tire wear additives by vegetables grown for human consumption - EurekAlert

Study reveals reductions in breast cancer screening uptake during COVID-19 pandemic