
The University of Ottawa, often referred to as uOttawa, OttawaU or U of O, is a bilingual public research university in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The main campus is located on 42.5 hectares in the heart of Ottawa's Downtown Core, adjacent to the residential neighbourhood of Sandy Hill, adjacent to Ottawa's Rideau Canal. The University of Ottawa was first established as the College of Bytown in 1848 by the first bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa, Joseph-Bruno Guigues. Placed under the direction of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, it was renamed the College of Ottawa in 1861 and received university status five years later through a royal charter. On 5 February 1889, the university was granted a pontifical charter by Pope Leo XIII, elevating the institution to a pontifical university. The university was reorganized on July 1, 1965, as a corporation, independent from any outside body or religious organization.

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uOttawa team develops innovative animal model for studying limb spasticity - EurekAlert

uOttawa physicists make laser cast a shadow - EurekAlert

New research from uOttawa-led team takes aim at limiting progression of breast cancer - EurekAlert

The gold standard: uOttawa researchers revolutionize cardiology imaging using gold nanoparticles - EurekAlert

uOttawa scientists uncover light absorbing properties of achiral materials - EurekAlert

uOttawa engineering students innovate wheelchair-accessible fitness equipment - EurekAlert

uOttawa researcher and partners design AI approach to drought zoning - EurekAlert

uOttawa professor awarded grant for research on restoring movement after spinal cord injury - EurekAlert

Scientists at uOttawa develop innovative method to validate quantum photonics circuits performance

Scientists at uOttawa develop innovative method to validate quantum photonics circuits performance - EurekAlert

Researchers at uOttawa boost efficacy of solar panels - EurekAlert

uOttawa scientists team up with global partners to secure your coffee's future - EurekAlert

Reinventing cosmology: uOttawa research puts age of universe at 26.7 — not 13.7 — billion years

uOttawa study first to investigate newly introduced butterfly which could become widespread in Canada

Say goodbye to your camera bump: uOttawa researchers miniaturize optics by discovering counterpart to lens

Light it up: uOttawa researchers demonstrate practical metal nanostructures

Going Organic: uOttawa team realizing the limitless possibilities of wearable electronics

uOttawa study shows that mindfulness can help ease the pain of breast cancer survivors