Government Agencies, Universities, Nonprofits Pause Critical Work Over Trump Administration Executive Orders
With UH assist, two universities in India launch Doctor of Nursing degree program - EurekAlert
Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) face barriers to medical school admission, study finds - EurekAlert
‘Neutron Nexus’ brings universities, ORNL together to advance science - EurekAlert
New study explores how universities can improve student well-being
New study explores how universities can improve student well-being - EurekAlert
NASA, Universities Take Learning Out of Classroom
Japan’s universities will receive 10 billion yen (around US$63 million) to build the digital infrastructure needed to make papers free to read. This will make Japan one of the first countries to move towards a unified record of all research produced by its academics.
Students at US universities file legal complaints over fossil fuel investments
Universities should experiment to improve caregiver support, U.S. National Academies says
Are universities connected to local sustainability? A new study suggests yes...and no.
NASA, Partners Select Universities for CubeSat Summer Program
ASU researchers call for universities to incentivize societally engaged conservation work
Citation cartels help some mathematicians—and their universities—climb the rankings
NASA, DOD Seek Universities to Develop CubeSats for Launch
The Billionaires Spending a Fortune to Lure Scientists Away From Universities
Japan tries, again, to stop its universities from sliding down global rankings
NASA Selects Universities to Support Small Spacecraft Technologies
Universities Need to Address Sexual Harassment in the Gaming They Sponsor