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New Quantum “Tornado” Experiments Challenge Our Understanding of Black Holes

Study uses Game of Thrones to advance understanding of face blindness

34-Million-Year-Old Snake Discovered in Wyoming Changes Our Understanding of Evolution

Recent development of multimodal sentiment recognition and understanding - EurekAlert

AI’s understanding and reasoning skills can’t be assessed by current tests

Exponentially increasing understanding of early life on Earth - EurekAlert

Run screaming or slow retreat? New study advances understanding of brain responses to emotionally-charged scenes

Is Time an Illusion? How Logic Challenges Our Understanding of Reality

Quantum annealer improves understanding of quantum many-body systems - EurekAlert

High-precision measurements challenge our understanding of Cepheids

PHYS.Org: High-precision measurements challenge our understanding of Cepheids (14th June, 2024)

High-precision measurements challenge our understanding of Cepheids - EurekAlert

Omics research and AI tools are contributing to our understanding of what causes Alzheimer's disease - EurekAlert

Just 2 Inches: Tiny Fossil Rewrites Our Understanding of Saber-Toothed Cats

Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts

Revolutionizing Our Understanding of Ancient Warfare – New Study Validates the Combat Readiness of 3500-Year-Old Greek Armor

A surprisingly quick enzyme could shift our understanding of evolution

Do Plants 'Think'? Our Understanding of Consciousness May Be Too Limited to Know

Researchers publish first computational insights into colonic motility to aid understanding of ulcerative colitis - EurekAlert

Five projects will receive funding to advance understanding of ocean systems in a changing climate - EurekAlert