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Key protein identified for understanding and treating Alzheimer's disease

Research challenges our understanding of cancer predisposition

Research challenges our understanding of cancer predisposition - EurekAlert

3D map of exoplanet atmosphere shows wacky climate. "This planet’s atmosphere behaves in ways that challenge our understanding of how weather works."

Scientists just rewrote our understanding of epigenetics. DNA and RNA epigenetics, once thought to be separate, have now been found to work together to fine-tune gene expression.

Object seen by James Webb may be a solar system in formation. The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a newborn protostar expelling bursts of matter. By analyzing the swirling dust grains around it, astronomers aim to deepen their understanding of how solar systems like ours form.

By studying neutron 'starquakes', scientists hope to transform their understanding of nuclear matter

Meet TEGO: The Tetrahedral Observatory That Could Change Our Understanding of Gravity

Surprising signatures in WASP-121b's dynamic atmosphere challenge understanding of how 'roasting marshmallows' form

A theory of frozen stars challenges our understanding of black holes

A new global study aims to map the brain signatures of bipolar disorder to transform understanding of the disease - EurekAlert

Study to deepen understanding of rare disabling arthritis affecting children - EurekAlert

'Heavy' dark matter would rip our understanding of the universe apart, new research suggests

Study finds surprising way that genetic mutation causes Huntington's disease, transforming understanding of the disorder

Astronomers observe real-time formation of black hole jets for the first time | While the largest plasma jets extend well beyond their host galaxies and last millions of years, scientists are gaining understanding of a new class of smaller, shorter-lived jets called “compact symmetric objects.”

Recent Observations Challenge our Understanding of Giant Black Holes

Atlas of cells transforms understanding of human body: « An ambitious plan to map all 37 trillion cells in the human body is transforming understanding of how our bodies work, scientists report. »

The mystery of the Kailasha Temple, an architectural marvel carved from a single rock, challenges our understanding of ancient technology and science.

Discovery of 'Punk' and 'Emo' fossils challenges our understanding of ancient molluscs

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory is ready to transform our understanding of the cosmos