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Global groundwater sulfate distribution map uncovers public health risks for 17 million people
KAIST uncovers the principles of gene expression regulation in cancer and cellular functions - EurekAlert
Heaviest Antimatter Yet: Large Hadron Collider Uncovers Antihyperhelium-4 in Groundbreaking Discovery
Cracking the code of DNA circles in cancer, Stanford Medicine-led team uncovers potential therapy - EurekAlert
Could Antibiotics Lower Parkinson’s Risk? Study Uncovers Surprising Link
Webb Space Telescope Uncovers Star Birth Secrets at Galaxy’s Edge
James Webb Telescope uncovers possible water on Psyche’s surface
Mayo Clinic AI Uncovers Hidden Brain Patterns to Spot Early Dementia
Columbia Study Uncovers How Grief Accelerates Biological Aging
Tiny Cracks, Global Impact: MIT Uncovers How Microscopic Ice Defects Shape Glaciers
MIT Uncovers Surprising Wave Activity on Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon
MIT Uncovers Weather’s Role in Triggering “Earthquake Swarms”
Webb Uncovers Most Distant Known Galaxy – “Most Significant Extragalactic Discovery to Date”
SPECULOOS Uncovers Earth-Sized Exoplanet Just 55 Light-Years Away
MIT Uncovers Photomolecular Effect: Light Can Vaporize Water Without Heat
Cosmic Revelation: MIT Uncovers a New Space Molecule
Machine Learning Uncovers New Ways to Kill Bacteria With Non-Antibiotic Drugs
The Hidden Consequences of Brain Trauma: Study Uncovers New Insights
Genetic sequencing uncovers unexpected source of pathogens in floodwaters
How Lockdowns Shaped the Virus: AI Uncovers COVID-19’s Evolutionary Secrets