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Moon’s oldest crater on its far side was volcanically active around 2.8 billion years ago: « Chang’e-6 lunar soils contain two types of mare basalts: low-Ti and very low-Ti (VLT). »

US Surgeon General Says Alcohol Increases Risk For 7 Types Of Cancer

Scientists Warn: Wearing These Types of Shoes Could Increase Your Risk of Injury

There Are Three Types of Twilight

Your toothbrush is teeming with hundreds of types of viruses

Democrats and Republicans may agree more on hate speech than you think | The research found that while Democrats generally support more censorship than Republicans, both groups tend to agree on which types of hate speech should be restricted.

Stanford Identifies 6 Types of Depression: Could a Brain Scan Reveal the Best Treatment for You?

Family learning environments in Scandinavia: dimensions, types and socioeconomic profiles - EurekAlert

Aging And Schizophrenia Share Striking Similarities in 2 Types of Brain Cells

New Cancer Vaccines Could Treat Some Types of Pancreatic, Colorectal and Other Deadly Forms of the Disease

During sleep, the brain uncouples different regions in its outermost layer, reducing the neuronal signaling between them. A recent mouse study reveals the types of neurons involved.

Three quarters of autistic children also have other types of neurodivergence

Two types of CBT are equally effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia

A Psychologist Explores The 5 ‘Good Mother’ Archetypes—And Which Is Best

Chemical analysis of residues from heated fatty acids reveal the kinds of chemical reactions, and hence hint at the types of cooking, that took place in ceramic pots thousands of years ago.