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A type of brain cell helps explain the calming influence of mothers

Increasing Prediabetes remission for type 2 diabetes

Prediabetes remission for type 2 diabetes prevention

How much exercise do children really need – and what type?

One Type of Fiber Could Have Weight Loss Benefits Similar to Ozempic

Natural Compound in Olives May Help Fight Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes

Long-term sulfonylurea use linked to higher risk of low blood sugar unawareness in type 2 diabetes patients - EurekAlert

Long-term sulfonylurea use linked to higher risk of low blood sugar unawareness in type 2 diabetes patients - EurekAlert

Genetic test could eradicate a type of inherited blindness in dogs

Does the type of workstation you use make a difference in your health and productivity?

Metformin and other antidiabetic drugs can help reduce the risk of dementia in patients with type 2 diabetes - EurekAlert

Distinct T-cell signatures observed at different stages of type 1 diabetes development

Eating 30% Less of One Type of Meat Could Prevent Future Type 2 Diabetes

Summertime Depression Could Be a Type of Seasonal Affective Disorder

A new target for treatment of one type of macular degeneration

Bright Light at Night May Raise Type 2 Diabetes Risk, Study Suggests

Circulating microRNAs likely as effective as A1C for predicting type 2 diabetes in youth

Circulating microRNAs likely as effective as A1C for predicting type 2 diabetes in youth, according to OU study - EurekAlert

Study Confirms One Type of COVID Mask Is 'Significantly Better' Than Others

New Research Links the Type of Estrogen in Birth Control to Anxiety