Join Dr. Robert Zubrin, Mars Society President, for a Special Live Podcast on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
Ultra-processed foods were responsible for 38% of cardiovascular disorders recorded in Canada in 2019, according to a study published Tuesday by Heart & Stroke.
NASA tracking bus-size asteroid set to zoom by the Earth on Tuesday at 30,000 mph
Trump Plans to Attend Musk’s SpaceX Launch on Tuesday
Pentagon UFO office testifies to US Senate today. Watch it live here (video)
Seeing is Communicating
Is there life on Mars? Congressional gridlock is getting in the way of an answer. NASA cut hundreds of jobs Tuesday at one of its key laboratories that sends robots to Mars, despite dozens of lawmakers urging the agency and the White House to avoid such a move.
NASA Targets Tuesday for Launch of Cygnus Cargo Mission to the International Space Station
Northern Lights Possible In The U.S. Early On Tuesday As Solar Storm Erupts In ‘Earth Strike Zone’