The Lunar Surface Remelted, Obscuring an Easy Answer to its True Age
The Lunar Surface Remelted, Obscuring an Easy Answer to its True Age
The Lunar Surface Remelted, Obscuring an Easy Answer to its True Age
Volcanic Fury and Ancient Zircons Unlock the Moon’s True Age
New study confirms the moon is older than we realized. Scientists have shown that a "remelting event" more than 4.3 billion years ago "reset" the internal clock of most lunar rocks, which has helped obscure the moon's true age.
A ‘remelting’ of lunar surface adds a wrinkle to mystery of Moon’s true age - EurekAlert
A 'remelting' of lunar surface adds a wrinkle to mystery of Moon's true age
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Apollo 17 astronauts collected rocks that reveal the moon’s true age
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