
Trouble is an American doom metal band from Aurora, Illinois, formed in 1979.

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Less Sea Ice Means More Arctic Trees—Which Means Trouble

Peregrine lander: Private US Moon mission runs into trouble

Trees Are in Trouble: New Research Flips the Script on Forest Resilience

Why a surprising discovery, warming seas and the demise of the 'Meg' may spell trouble for more and more sharks

3 Lifestyle Choices That Could Spell Trouble for Heart Health

High-Tech Cars Might Be More Trouble Than They're Worth

Trouble Falling Asleep? That Could Mean You Have an Increased Risk of Stroke

World's Largest Fusion Project Is in Big Trouble, New Documents Reveal

The Amazon might not have a ‘tipping point.’ But it’s still in trouble

Bubble, bubble, more earthquake trouble? Geoscientists study Alaska's Denali fault

Scientists have found a way to get brain cancer cells to self-destruct. Aggressive glioblastoma tumours could be in trouble: a breakthrough discovery successfully wiped out cancer cells in mice.

Hippos Are in Trouble. Will ‘Endangered’ Status Save Them?

JUICE in Trouble, Sun-Like Star Devours a Planet, Space Station with Artificial Gravity

Double Trouble: Unmasking the Alcohol Harm Paradox in Anxiety and Mood Disorders

Diabetes Alert: Big Babies Could Spell Big Trouble for Mothers Years Later

Double Trouble: Ancient Volcanic Eruptions Unveil a Fiery Tale of Twin Mass Extinctions

'Hubble trouble' could deepen with new measurement of the universe's expansion

Deep Trouble: New Study Reveals Marine Heat Waves Reach the Ocean Floor

Tiny Lunar Flashlight moon probe is in trouble. NASA has one month to fix it.

Russia’s Space Program Is in Big Trouble