
Bruce Graham Trigger (June 18, 1937 – December 1, 2006) was a Canadian archaeologist, anthropologist, and ethnohistorian.

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Breakthrough Asthma Study Reveals a Trigger We've Never Noticed Before

Still Hungry After a Big Meal? The Trigger Could Be in The Brain

Scientists Say They've Found The Trigger For Ancient Maya's Collapse, And It Reads Like a Warning

A Brand New Parkinson's Trigger Has Been Found – And It Begins Far Earlier Than Thought

High dietary sugars markedly trigger an increase in mucus-degrading bacteria. As the mucus layer is increasingly affected by erosion, “a large number of bacteria will reach the epithelial cells and trigger inflammation”

Malaria Cases In U.S. Trigger Unfounded Claims About Bill Gates, Mosquito Project

Obesity Can Trigger Lasting Changes in The Brain's Nutrient Response, Study Finds

Dry days trigger leaves to send a surprising growth signal telling roots to keep growing

Invasive Bacteria May Trigger Endometriosis, Study Suggests

Climate change could trigger gigantic deadly tsunamis from Antarctica, new study warns

A New Type of Brain Cell Found in Mice May Trigger Overactive Appetites

Ultrasound can trigger a hibernation-like state in mice and rats

The Hidden Danger of Meat Alternatives: How Common Plant-Based Proteins May Trigger Allergies

Galaxy interactions are the dominant trigger for local type 2 quasars | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Icy Moonquakes: Surface Shaking Could Trigger Landslides

Faster than forecast, climate impacts trigger tipping points in the Earth system

Icy moonquakes: Surface shaking could trigger landslides

Persisting Even After Weight Loss: Obesity Can Trigger Lasting Epigenetic Changes That Can Promote Inflammatory Disease

From bad to worse: How avian flu must change to trigger a human pandemic

Newly discovered trigger for major depression opens new possibilities for treatments