Strange Transient Radio Pulses Provide Clues to Mysterious Origin
Speeding Healing by 30%: The First Transient Electronic Bandage
First transient electronic bandage speeds healing by 30%
New X-ray imaging technique to study the transient phases of quantum materials
New telescope to detect gravitational wave events. The Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) will scour the skies for optical clues about the violent cosmic events that create ripples in the fabric of space itself
Man Suffers Memory Loss 10 Minutes After Having Sex, Here’s What Transient Global Amnesia Is
When severe infection causes long-term mood disorders: A promising avenue to prevent mental illness following a transient infection
Transient BP spikes coupled to learning in brain
Ludwig Cancer Research study reveals even transient chromosomal errors can initiate cancer
First-Ever Transient Pacemaker Harmlessly Dissolves in Body – Disappears After It’s No Longer Needed