toxic chemicals

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UK otters and wildlife carry alarming levels of toxic chemicals.

EPA to formally review risks of vinyl chloride and other toxic chemicals

Using personal care products during and after pregnancy can increase exposure to toxic chemicals

Bruce Ames, 95, Dies; Biochemist Discovered Test for Toxic Chemicals

Bruce Ames, 95, Dies; Biochemist Discovered Test for Toxic Chemicals

In Floods like Hurricane Helene’s, Toxic Chemicals Are a Silent and Growing Threat

Researchers Warn of Toxic Chemicals in Popular Vape Flavors

Toxic chemicals can be detected with new AI method

Toxic chemicals can be detected with new AI method - EurekAlert

Toxic chemicals from car tyres can get into soil and contaminate food

Toxic chemicals from microplastics can be absorbed through skin

Targeted household cleaning can reduce toxic chemicals post-wildfire

Scientists found hundreds of toxic chemicals in recycled plastics

Scientists found hundreds of toxic chemicals in recycled plastics

Killer whales have toxic chemicals in their bodies. A surprising new study shows that their diet seems to be the culprit.

Surfactants can cause toxic chemicals in aerosols to last longer in the air