The Tonga Trench is an oceanic trench located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.
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15-Minute Countdown: The Hidden Warning Before Tonga’s Volcano Exploded
New trigger proposed for record-smashing 2022 Tonga eruption
New study disputes Hunga Tonga volcano's role in 2023-24 global warm-up
New study disputes Hunga Tonga volcano’s role in 2023-24 global warm-up - EurekAlert
Record amount of water from 2022 Tonga eruption is still in atmosphere
Tonga volcano eruption was fueled by 2 merging chambers that are still brimming with magma
Gigantic Tonga Eruption Triggered The Fastest Ocean Flows Ever Recorded
Tonga volcano unleashed underwater flows that reshaped the seafloor
The ozone hole above Antarctica opened early this year. Huge Tonga undersea volcano eruption may be to blame
Did the Tonga undersea volcano eruption cause this year's extreme heat?
The Hunga Tonga eruption sparked the highest-altitude lightning ever recorded
Tonga Volcano Eruption Created Highest Lightning Rates Ever Recorded On Earth
200,000 Lightning Flashes – Tonga’s Hunga Eruption Produced the Most Intense Lightning Ever Recorded
The Most Intense Lightning Ever Seen Came From Last Year's Tonga Volcano Eruption
Giant Eruption Plume from Tonga’s Volcano Produced Most Intense Lightning Rates Ever Detected
The Most Intense Lightning Storm Ever Recorded Was Sparked by the Hunga Tonga Eruption
Tonga Eruption Triggered Massive 'Equatorial Plasma Bubble'
The 2022 Tonga Eruption Created a Very Rare 'Super Plasma Bubble' in The Ionosphere
The Tonga Eruption Was So Powerful it Disrupted Satellites Half a World Away
Record-breaking Tonga undersea volcano disrupted satellite signals in space