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Dramatic drop in monarch butterfly count nears record 30-year low, as pesticides, diminishing habitat and climate change take their toll on the beloved pollinator.

Feeding sharks ‘junk food’ takes a toll on their health

Adenosine deaminase 2 regulates the activation of the toll-like receptor 9 in response to nucleic acids - EurekAlert

40 million deaths by 2050: toll of drug-resistant infections to rise by 70%

Not 'Just Summer'. Deadly Heat Waves in 2024 Are The Toll of Climate Change

Breastfeeding should take a toll on bones. A brain hormone may protect them

Mobile weather labs map toll of extreme heat in scorching US cities

Poor health, stress in 20s takes toll in 40s with lower cognition

Climate Change Is Taking a Toll on Mites and Springtails, a New Analysis Finds

Adult ADHD may take a toll on the brain. A study published in JAMA Network Open reported that being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult is associated with a 2.77-fold increased risk of dementia.

Excessive Heat and Drought Takes Its Toll: The Mississippi Is Mighty Parched