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Cells 'speed date' to find their neighbors when forming tissues

SCP-Nano: A new technology to visualize nanocarriers in cells and tissues

Physical signals as fate deciders: How mechanical forces extrude cells from tissues

How cancer cells adapt while moving across tissues - EurekAlert

AI method identifies diseases faster than humans. Deep learning AI model detects disease signs in human and animal tissues faster and often more accurately than human assessments.

Synthetic genes engineered to mimic how cells build tissues and structures

Daily dose of the common medication metformin preserved cognition and delayed decline of some tissues.

The heat generated by the tissues of some pla - EurekAlert

How cells use condensation to seal tissues tight - EurekAlert

How cells use condensation to seal tissues tight

Carcass of extinct woolly rhino found in Russia. Gold miners accidentally discover an ancient woolly rhino mummy with well-preserved horn and tissues.

Resurrection plants have adapted to survive drought by completely drying out, down to less than 10% water in their tissues. A recent study in Nature Plants identifies one gene family that is consistently duplicated across species that can "resurrect," hinting at an underlying genetic mechanism.

Endurance exercise affects all tissues of the body, even those not normally associated with movement: « These insights could make it possible for clinicians to recommend specific, personalized exercise regimens to their patients to treat or prevent a variety of ailments and health conditions. »

New 'aging atlas' provides a detailed map of how cells and tissues age

Synchronization between central circadian clock and circadian clocks of tissues preserves their functioning

Researchers develop algorithm to determine how cellular 'neighborhoods' function in tissues

Researchers develop algorithm to determine how cellular 'neighborhoods' function in tissues

New computer code for mechanics of tissues and cells in three dimensions