
Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of social complexity as an adaptive system, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence.

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European Mars rover will drill 2 metres deep in martian soil in search of life, 20 times deeper then any one before.

Ancient Arabia Was a Savannah: New Study Reveals Rainfall Was 5 Times Greater Just 400 Years Ago

Study reveals Arabia's rainfall was five times more extreme 400 years ago - EurekAlert

Microcomb chips help pave the way for thousand times more accurate GPS systems

PFAS: Found 180 times more ‘forever chemicals’ in birds - EurekAlert

Microcomb chips help pave the way for thousand times more accurate GPS systems - EurekAlert

New mRNA produces 200 times more protein: Hope for treatment of cancer and protein disorders - EurekAlert

Neurologic complications of flu nearly 50 times greater for children with underlying neurologic conditions - EurekAlert

Boom Supersonic's XB-1 jet breaks sound barrier 3 times on final test flight (video, photos)

Researchers confirm an exoplanet potentially capable of sustaining life. The planet has a mass six times that of Earth and orbits a star similar to our sun, located just 20 light years away.

Scientists discover giant galaxy 32 times bigger than Earth's — and they named it 'trouble'

New Study Reveals the Best and Worst Times for Your Mental Health

Insurance Study: Waymo is 12.5 Times Safer Than Human Drivers

Supermassive black holes in 'little red dot' galaxies are 1,000 times larger than they should be, and astronomers don't know why. "Our measurements imply that the supermassive black hole mass is 10% of the stellar mass in the galaxies we studied."

South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth's

Ocean-surface warming four times faster now than late-1980s

Supermassive black holes in 'little red dot' galaxies are 1,000 times larger than they should be, and astronomers don't know why

Researchers discover new third class of magnetism that could transform digital devices: « The findings could lead to the development of new magnetic memory devices with the potential to increase operation speeds of up to a thousand times. »

An alien planet has winds that blow at 33,000 kilometres per hour

Chilling Findings: Methane Levels Soar 1,000 Times Above Normal in Baltic Waters