
Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of social complexity as an adaptive system, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence.

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Non-native plants and animals expanding ranges 100 times faster than native species

Glassy gel is hard as plastic and stretches 7 times its length

Tiny Predator Astonishes With Neck That Stretches 30 Times Its Length

Rocket company develops massive catapult to launch satellites into space without using jet fuel: '10,000 times the force of Earth's gravity'

Did rock art spread from one place or was it invented many times?

Ultra-low dose PET protocol eliminates need for CT, uses dose 50 times lower than current standard - EurekAlert

This protist unfolds its ‘neck’ up to 30 times its body length to scout prey

Record-Breaking Migration – Silky Shark Travels Four Times the Width of the U.S.

Biggest genome ever found belongs to this odd little fernlike plant -- more than 50 times bigger than the human genome

Small fern species has a genome 50 times larger than that of humans

New Plant-Based Plastic Releases 9 Times Less Microplastics

Beach erosion will make Southern California coastal living five times more expensive by 2050, USC study predicts

1,000 Times Smaller Than a Grain of Sand – Newest Optical Fiber Technology Could Supercharge Internet Speeds

1000 times smaller than a grain of sand—glass sensors 3D-printed on optical fiber - EurekAlert

A Star Became 1,000 Times Brighter, and Now Astronomers Know Why

Researcher steps on deadly vipers 40,000 times to better predict snakebites

Earth-sized planet spotted orbiting small star with 100 times sun’s lifespan | Speculoos-3b, 55 light years away, is only second planetary system to be found around an ultra-cool red dwarf

“Unprecedented” – CO2 Rising 10 Times Faster Than Any Time in Recorded History

Watch monster flare-spewing sunspot grow to be 15 times wider than Earth (video)

Men are six times more open to polygynous relationships than women, study finds