Tim Dodd

Tim Dodd, also known as Everyday Astronaut, is an American science communicator, YouTube content creator, photographer, and musician. After becoming popular with his space-themed photo series, Dodd was hired by the website Spaceflight Now to photograph SpaceX's CRS-3 cargo mission to the International Space Station on April 18, 2014, NASA's Orion Test Flight EFT-1 on December 5, 2014, the United States Air Force's GPS 2F-9 launch, and NASA's OA-6 Mission on March 23, 2016.

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Screencap from Tim Dodd's (Everyday Astronaut) livestream, showing clearly the glowing engine section, likely from reentry heating.

Tim Dodd, the 'Everyday Astronaut,' gets down to Earth about SpaceX moon trip