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Sophisticated early warning system: How bacteria respond to threats

Naughty or Nice? Many parents rely on threats to manage misbehavior -- from no dessert to no Santa

Naughty or Nice? Many parents rely on threats to manage misbehavior – from no dessert to no Santa - EurekAlert

As Storm Disinformation Swirls, Meteorologists Are Facing Threats

The Taxidermy Bat Market Is Compounding Threats to a Species’ Existence

More and more American claim to own guns for self-defense. This may be due to a sense of lack of safety and a response to both general and specific threats. Potential causes include the pandemic, changes in gun advertisement, and spread of conspiracy theories such as the great replacement theory.

1st annual space piracy conference will examine threats of orbital crime and smuggling

New Star Wars Plan: Pentagon Rushes to Counter Threats in Orbit

Young whale's journey highlights threats facing ocean animals

Space Command seeks $1.2 billion to counter threats in orbit

To cope with threats to the sense of self (e.g., bad grades, rejection), it may be helpful to engage in self-affirmation. One way of doing so is by writing about things in life one values the most (e.g., courage, love, freedom, justice, family relations).

Space Force eyes new breed of satellites that adjust their orbit and respond to threats

Godzilla Is Warning Us Again about the Threats to Our Planet

Red Fire Ant Is Now Established in Europe – Aggressive Species Poses Ecological and Health Threats

Threats From Above Lead the List of Space Concerns in New Survey