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NASA Thinks They Can Give us 30 Minutes of Warning Before a Killer Solar Storm Hits Earth

The Dunning-Kruger effect may largely be a statistical artifact – mathematical reanalysis of the original study of 45 undergraduates, random number simulations and replication with clearer methods shows least skilled people know how much they don't know, and everyone thinks they are above average

Former head of Roscosmos now thinks NASA did not land on the Moon

The Neutron Star That Thinks It’s a Black Hole

Thinking Outside The Tank: Why This Startup Thinks Fruit Flies Will Solve Synbio’s Scale-Up Problem

Alien tech could be in the ocean, an astronomer thinks. Many dismiss the idea : NPR

Evolution Only Thinks About One Thing, and It’s Crabs

How society thinks about risk

This biotech startup thinks it can delay menopause by 15 years. That would transform women's lives

Why Werner Herzog thinks human space colonization “will inevitably fail”

A team mapping radio waves has discovered something unusual that releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour, and it’s unlike anything astronomers have seen before. The team thinks it could be a neutron star or a white dwarf—collapsed cores of stars

Can Synthetic Biology Save Us? This Scientist Thinks So.

NASA thinks US needs nuclear-powered spacecraft to stay ahead of China

Developing Artificial Intelligence That “Thinks” Like Humans