
Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Ranganatha (a form of Vishnu), located in Srirangam, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India.

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Ruins Believed to Be Roman 'Cult' Temple Unearthed Beneath Parking Lot

Thousands of Mummified Ram Heads Revealed in Ancient Egyptian Temple

Complete Depiction of The Zodiac Found in Ancient Egyptian Temple

2,500-Year-Old Etruscan Temple Discovered in Italy

Previously unknown monumental temple discovered near the Tempio Grande in Vulci

Vast tunnel found beneath ancient Egyptian temple

Shrine discovered with rituals never seen to take place before in an Egyptian temple

Hoard of Islamic era gold and silver coins found behind Egyptian temple

Ancient Egyptian temple to the sun cult uncovered near Cairo

Archaeologists Find Spectacular Frescoes in Ancient Egyptian Temple

Ancient temple dedicated to Zeus unearthed in Egypt

Egypt: Ruins of ancient temple for Zeus unearthed in Sinai

Earliest evidence of Maya divination calendar discovered in ancient temple

Largest Aztec temple was decorated with over 100 starfish

Ancient Buddhist Temple Unearthed in Pakistan Is One of The Oldest Ever Discovered

Two Colossal Sphinx Statues Discovered Inside Ancient Egyptian Temple

2 giant sphinxes depicting King Tut's grandfather found at ancient Egyptian temple

Female pharaoh’s temple reveals how Egypt’s ‘ancient masters’ carved their art

Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Second Temple Period Quarry

Ritualistic artifacts found at 'Temple of the Pharaohs' in Egypt