
Teething is the process by which an infant's first teeth (the deciduous teeth, often called "baby teeth" or "milk teeth") appear by emerging through the gums, typically arriving in pairs.

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Four Jurassic Fossils Help Explain How We Got Our Ears And Teeth

'How do you brush your teeth in space?' Canadian astronaut tackles questions from B.C. kids

Baring Teeth: The Long Battle Over Fluoride Comes to a Head

Fossil named 'Attenborough's strange bird' was the first in its kind without teeth

Small dogs are more likely to have an extra row of teeth like sharks

Extinct Shark’s Teeth Had Their Own Needle-Like Fangs

A snake’s teeth predict how fast it will strike

A Dentist Reveals What Happens to Your Teeth as You Get Older

Canine Teeth in Marsupial Carnivores Erupt Continuously Through Life, Study Suggests

Scientists Find a Tumor Made of Teeth in The Pelvis of an Ancient Egyptian

The Most Effective Way to Floss Your Teeth Requires Just Three Easy Steps

Japanese Company Testing Drug to Regrow Teeth in Humans

Tiny 'Ice Mouse' With Teeth The Size of Sand Grains Lived Alongside The Dinosaurs

Taking good care of your teeth may be good for your brain

The Warm-Blooded Megalodon: Geochemistry and Fossil Teeth Illuminate the Prehistoric Predator

Zombie worms devour shark teeth that fall to the ocean floor

Oligocene-Period Dolphin Had Procumbent Tusk-Like Teeth

Ancient herbivore's diet weakened teeth leading to eventual starvation, study suggests

Cretaceous-Period Mosasaur Had Unique ‘Screwdriver Teeth’

Fossil of mosasaur with bizarre 'screwdriver teeth' found in Morocco