
Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor (born 7 November 1996), known professionally as Lorde ( LORD), is a New Zealand singer and songwriter.

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Team marks milestone in progress toward investigational new drug for triple-negative breast cancer

A team that includes a University of Michigan astronomer has identified a temperate exoplanet as a promising super-Earth ice or water world. The planet emerges as one of the most promising habitable zone exoplanet candidates known, potentially harboring an atmosphere and even a liquid water ocean.

Space radiation can damage satellites − my team discovered that a next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays

Team aims to improve safety of fertilizers made from wastewater sludge

Virginia Tech researcher's team discovers 'missing' sea sponges - EurekAlert

$10m prize launched for team that can truly talk to the animals

New coral disease forecasting system led by University of Hawai'i team - EurekAlert

Academician Chen Wei's team reveals a new mechanism of hyaluronic acid with a specific molecular weight (300-400 ... - EurekAlert

Team enhances stereotactic neurosurgery precision using MRI-guided multi-stage robotic positioner

POSTECH and ImmunoBiome team make strides in microbiome-based cancer therapies by iron deprivation at the ... - EurekAlert

A comprehensive review by the team of Xinhua Zhang at Shandong University of Technology on the significant roles ... - EurekAlert

Team publishes perspective paper on net-zero emissions in the aviation industry - EurekAlert

Team is first ever to measure qubits with ultrasensitive thermal detectors, evading Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Scientists Grow Elephant Stem Cells in Key Step Toward Woolly Mammoth ‘De-Extinction’ The team’s lofty goal of “resurrection” is still far from reality, but scientists say the advancement in understanding cells could help with elephant conservation.

NASA’s Webb and Hubble Team Up To Solve Universe Expansion Rate Puzzle

When a team is less than the sum of its parts: Tensions between individual and team wellbeing

Team creates novel rabies viral vectors for neural circuit mapping

Team Assessing SHERLOC Instrument on NASA’s Perseverance Rover

Frustrated by the constraints of Earth, a team of California scientists took tumor research to space—and may have discovered a ‘kill switch' for cancer

Researchers find neurons work as a team to process social interactions