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Cleveland Innovation District partners exceeding many targets set by state and JobsOhio - EurekAlert

AACR: Trio of studies highlights promising early results with new cancer therapies and targets - EurekAlert

The James Webb Space Telescope's targets over the next year include black holes, exomoons, dark energy — and more

Possible trigger for autoimmune diseases discovered : B cells teach T cells which targets must not be attacked

Stomp Rocket 'targets' NASA history with new space toy collection

U.S. Targets Methane Emissions in New Batch of Rules

Icy Oceans Exist on Far-Off Moons. Why Aren’t They Frozen Solid? The moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn appear to have subsurface oceans — tantalizing targets in the search for life beyond Earth. But it’s not clear why these seas exist at all.