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Lasers, Waffle Fries and the Secrets in Pterosaurs’ Tails
From tails to (umbilical) arms, the hidden details in Lego's new Artemis SLS rocket
Dedicated experiments needed to understand why dogs wag their tails
A single genetic tweak caused human ancestors to lose their tails 25 million years ago — but it came at a cost
Why Don’t Humans Have Tails? Scientists Uncover Genetic Secret That Could Explain Why
Change in gene code may explain how human ancestors lost tails
AI tells beavers apart by the ‘fingerprint’ patterns on their tails
Fear the Tails, Not the Jaws, of These ‘Weirdo’ Sharks
Dogs may wag their tails so much due to rhythm-loving humans, scientists say
Some mysteries remain about why dogs wag their tails
Written in Blood: The Revealing Forensic “Tails” of Crime Scene Bloodstains
How bloodstain 'tails' can point to significant, additional forensic details
Coin flips don't truly have a 50/50 chance of being heads or tails