T cells

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Scientists have long believed that a newborn’s immune system was an immature version of an adult’s, but new research shows that newborns’ T cells outperform those of adults at fighting off numerous infections.

Possible trigger for autoimmune diseases discovered : B cells teach T cells which targets must not be attacked

How T cells combat tuberculosis

Unlocking Immortality: T Cells as the New Fountain of Youth

Revolutionizing Oncology: T Cells As Predictive Powerhouses in Skin Cancer

Supercharging CAR-T cells for cancer treatment

Pirola Panic? T Cells Might Be Our Secret Weapon Against the Latest COVID “Variant of Concern”

Pharmaceutical compound sounds the alarm on cancer cells and unleashes T cells

Immunology: Dysfunction of mitochondria drives the exhaustion of T cells

Disrupting a core metabolic process in T cells may improve their therapeutic efficacy

Reducing stress on T cells makes them better cancer fighters