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Caltech’s New Health Tracker Runs on Sweat and Sunlight
How monitoring your sweat could reveal the state of your health
Finger wrap uses sweat to provide health monitoring at your fingertips--literally
Finger wrap uses sweat to provide health monitoring at your fingertips—literally - EurekAlert
NTU Singapore scientists develop ‘band-aid’ that measures glucose levels in sweat using microlaser technology - EurekAlert
New research tools reveal the dynamics behind breaking a sweat - EurekAlert
Monitoring diseases through sweat becomes accessible to everyone - EurekAlert
Blood, sweat and water: new paper analytical devices track health and environment - EurekAlert
Secrets Beneath the Sweat: Scientists Decode the Molecular Impact of Exercise
Tiny Biosensor Unlocks the Secrets of Sweat. A new wearable patch uses microfluidic chambers and graphene to detect biomarkers.
A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease
Wearable patch monitors blood sugar via sweat
Sweat-resistant wearable robot sensor
Fitness trackers powered by sweat
Astro Lab Chronicles: Blood, Sweat, and Gears With Expedition 70
Sweat Is Helping You Survive Climate Change