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Swarm of dusty young stars found around our galaxy’s central black hole. Stars shouldn't form that close to the black hole, so these would need explaining.

Could We Replace Ingenuity With a Swarm of Robotic Bees?

Self-assembling and disassembling swarm molecular robots via DNA molecular controller - EurekAlert

Self-assembling and disassembling swarm molecular robots via DNA molecular controller

Microrobots Swarm the Seas, Capturing Microplastics and Bacteria [Video]

Swarm of nanorobots can remove tiny plastic fragments from water

Watch a swarm of cyborg cockroaches controlled by computers

What a Swarm of Probes Can Teach Us About Proxima Centauri B

One person can supervise 'swarm' of 100 unmanned autonomous vehicles

NASA just announced funding for 13 new "Innovative Advanced Concepts" under the NIAC program. They include a swarm of autonomous "gram-scale interstellar probes" designed to send back images of Proxima Centauri, and a sample return mission to Venus.

NASA Selects a Wild Plan to "Swarm" Proxima Centauri With Thousands of Tiny Probes

NASA Selects Bold Proposal to “Swarm” Proxima Centauri with Tiny Probes

Swarm of robots can make collective decisions by imitating bees