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Variations in “ancient” immune cells linked to patients' survival in cancer - EurekAlert

Saturated soils could impact survival of young trees planted to address climate change

Saturated soils could impact survival of young trees planted to address climate change - EurekAlert

Smoking cessation before laryngeal cancer treatment improves survival, retention of voice box, study shows - EurekAlert

Survival of the nicest: have we got evolution the wrong way round?

Randomized controlled trial confirms Impella CP improves survival in heart attack with cardiogenic shock - EurekAlert

Amphibian Apocalypse: Virus vs. Fungus in the Battle for Survival

Rusty-patched bumblebee's struggle for survival found in its genes

Survival Through Ashes: How Early Humans Outwitted a Supereruption

Some species of toothed whales, such as belugas and orcas, have lengthened their lives without increasing their reproductive capacity; thus being able to look after their children and grandchildren to ensure their survival

Who knew that coprophagy was so vital for birds' survival?

Two giant US telescopes threatened by funding cap: Thirty Meter Telescope and Giant Magellan Telescope might need to compete for survival in face of federal spending limit.

Rethinking the Rules of Extinction and Survival: Scientists May Have Cracked the “Aging Process” in Species

Waiting to Cut the Cord Boosts Premature Babies' Survival

Scientists show positively charged hydrogels promote the survival and growth of neural stem cells

Tawny owl's pale grey color linked to vital functions ensuring survival in extreme conditions

Locomotor Advances in Early Dinosaurs Aided Their Survival and Success, Scientists Say

AI can predict brain cancer patients' survival

A new road to survival for sickle cell patients: Patient and doctor perspectives on Casgevy and the science behind future gene therapies

Natural compounds derived from soy and other plants reduce breast cancer recurrence and improve survival