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Integration of communication and navigation technologies toward LEO-enabled 6G networks: A survey - EurekAlert

Survey finds most americans believe pain and urinary leakage is normal for women after having children - EurekAlert

Survey on the fusion of point clouds and images for environmental object detection - EurekAlert

Public fails to appreciate risk of consuming raw milk, survey finds - EurekAlert

A survey of synthetic data augmentation methods in machine vision - EurekAlert

Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows | Animal behaviour

Vegetation Classification and Survey open-access journal featured by Web of Science four years after its launch - EurekAlert

Survey: Parents of young athletes value health benefits of sports, but experts emphasize watching for signs of stress ... - EurekAlert

More than half of Americans give to charity at checkout, survey shows - EurekAlert

Take cover! Survey shows tornado warnings widely misunderstood

Take cover! Survey shows tornado warnings wi - EurekAlert

Survey finds young adults more likely to believe myths about sun protection and skin cancer prevention - EurekAlert

Survey shows widespread fears about AI-fueled misinformation

Survey finds loneliness epidemic runs deep among parents

Survey finds loneliness epidemic runs deep among parents - EurekAlert

One-third of ride-share drivers have had a crash on the job, survey finds

Survey suggests Trump’s attacks boosted public trust in science

Fallout from Israel-Hamas war causing ‘significant harm’ to researchers in Israel, survey finds

People Value a Single Human Life Over Entire Species, Survey Reveals

Many Transgender Americans Face Stigma and Financial Hardship, Survey Finds