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Scientists Discover That Drinking This Supplement Could Improve Your Heart Health

Can a Supplement Really Help You Control Your Pesky Eye Floaters?

According to Scientists, Taking This Supplement May Restart Stalled Menstruation

Can a Supplement Really Help Control Your Pesky Eye Floaters?

A study from the University of Michigan has identified a potential new treatment for food allergies in inulin, a naturally occurring plant fiber commonly used as a supplement, a prebiotic in soda, and a replacement for sweeteners and for other products and purposes.

Over-the-counter supplement improves walking for peripheral artery disease patients

'Gas Station Heroin' Is a Dangerous and Often Contaminated Supplement

Can a Supplement Really Help Control Those Pesky Eye Floaters?

An Omega-3 Supplement To Prevent Fatty Liver Disease?

Cattle on low-protein rations may need amino acid supplement to boost milk yield

Resistant starch supplement reduces liver triglycerides in people with fatty liver disease