A supernova (PL: supernovae or supernovas) is a powerful and luminous explosion of a star.
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Release of 4,000 Supernovae to Aid Cosmology
Astronomers Just Unveiled 3,628 Supernovae That Could Rewrite Cosmic History
Rubin Will Find Millions of Supernovae
The first supernovae flooded the early universe with water, research suggests
The First Supernovae Flooded the Early Universe With Water
More than 10,000 supernovae counted in stellar census
Learning More About Supernovae Through Stardust
Citizen Scientists discover 20 new astronomical transients, including 5 supernovae.
Supernovae: Why study them? What can they teach us about finding life beyond Earth?
JWST spotted an incredible number of supernovae in the early universe
Black Holes and Neutron Stars are Finally Linked to Supernovae
What’s the Link Between Gamma Ray Bursts and Supernovae? It Might Be Binary Stars
Supernovae Struck the Earth 3 Million and 7 Million Years Ago
Webb locates dust reservoirs in two supernovae
Not All Type 1a Supernovae are Created Equally
Demystifying vortex rings in nuclear fusion, supernovae
Trillions of Miles Away – Distant Supernovae May Impact the Diversity of Life on Earth
X-Ray-Luminous Supernovae Pose Threat to Earth-Like Planetary Atmospheres, Study Says
Hypervelocity Stars Teach us About Black Holes and Supernovae
Did Supernovae Help Push Life to Become More Diverse?