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The origin of the sun’s magnetic field could lie close to its surface.Sunspots and flares could be a product of a shallow magnetic field, according to surprising new findings that may help scientists predict space weather.

Galileo tracked sunspot movements and discovered that the Sun rotates. It is now known that sunspots close to the equator rotate once each 25 days and sunspots near the poles rotate each 38 days

Carrington-Level Cluster of Sunspots May Send a ‘Cannibal CME’ Hurtling Toward Earth

In 1611, Johannes Fabricius and his father observed sunspots directly through a telescope shortly after sunrise or before sunset. They discovered that the Sun rotates by recording how sunspots moved around

The Extreme Space Weather Event of 1872 February: Sunspots, Magnetic Disturbance, and Auroral Displays

A cluster of sunspots 15 times bigger than Earth could send a solar storm our way as early as Saturday