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Same-Sex Sexual Behavior Among Animals Is “Widespread” But Underreported, Study Shows

Early warning systems and plans to avert disasters due to extreme rainfall are still flawed, study shows - EurekAlert

“Time cells” in the brain are critical for complex learning, study shows - EurekAlert

Tanzania fertilizer use increased after intervention, but changes were not sustained, study shows - EurekAlert

Pesticides impair mobility and immune system of Brazilian native stingless bees, study shows - EurekAlert

Microscopic defects in ice shape how massive glaciers flow, study shows - EurekAlert

The mind after midnight: Study shows disrupted sleep increases risk for suicide and homicide - EurekAlert

Wildfires in old-growth Amazon forest areas rose 152% in 2023, study shows - EurekAlert

AI algorithms can determine how well newborns nurse, study shows - EurekAlert

If a person has a high-quality, late-life environment, it can mitigate the negative impact caused by early-life stressors, a new University of Michigan study shows. Researchers determined this human outcome after analyzing data from more than 1,000 wild red squirrels in Canada.

Smoking cessation before laryngeal cancer treatment improves survival, retention of voice box, study shows - EurekAlert

Math Homework Can End Up Doing More Harm Than Good, Study Shows