'Stuck' NASA astronauts on ISS grilled on Earthly politics as long 9-month mission nears end. 'From my standpoint, politics is not playing into this at all.'
Apollo 15 astronaut Dave Scott got his drill stuck on the moon during an experiment. When he reached a depth of 5.3 feet, lunar soil particles rode up the helix of the drill bit and halted its momentum, postponing his task. The drill chuck was later auctioned for almost $50,000 in 2016
Hurray! Juice Deploys its Stuck Antenna
Stuck antenna freed on Jupiter-bound spacecraft
Mouse hair turns gray when certain stem cells get stuck
Key radar antenna stuck on Europe's Jupiter-bound spacecraft
China’s Mars Rover Is Stuck Sleeping After Harsh Martian Winter
China’s Mars rover is stuck sleeping after harsh martian winter
Why Does Hair Turn Gray? Research Uncovers Role of “Stuck” Stem Cells
A Psychologist Poses 2 Questions To Anyone Stuck In A People-Pleasing Trap
Study links 'stuck' stem cells to hair turning gray
A Psychologist Poses 3 Questions To Anyone Stuck In A ‘Fleabag Era’
US and Russian astronauts stuck waiting in space after spacecraft suffered damage
New Research Reveals How Fear Get Stuck in Brains
Why China Is Still Stuck in a Zero-Covid Nightmare
Medieval fighter may have died with an ax 'stuck in his face,' reconstruction shows
BBC Earth Podcast review: Get stuck into nature – wherever you find it
Some People Really Are Mosquito Magnets, and They're Stuck That Way
How fear memories get stuck in some brains
Senior NASA Official Fears Getting “Stuck” on the Moon