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Dogs Can Smell Our Stress, And It Affects Them Deeply

Brains Under Stress: Unravelling the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Brain Ageing

When Dogs Smell Your Stress, They Act Sad

Your dog can probably smell your stress

Researchers clarify how soft materials fail under stress

Researchers clarify how soft materials fail under stress - EurekAlert

Stress weakens cognitive reserve's protective effects in Alzheimer's patients

Stress-related cell damage linked to negative mental and physical health effects among caregivers

Poor health, stress in 20s takes toll in 40s with lower cognition

Study shows how liver damage from stress and aging might be reversible

Stress testing pension funds: Lithuanian researchers lead global innovation - EurekAlert

Removal of excess chloride ions by plants when subjected to salt stress

Removal of excess chloride ions by plants when subjected to salt stress - EurekAlert

Blooming through adversity: roses' genetic defense against salinity stress - EurekAlert

Treatment of stress-induced exhaustion disorder has wrong focus - EurekAlert

Housing compatible shelter dogs together could reduce stress and might help them find homes sooner - EurekAlert

The unique toll of stress and depression on women’s hearts

Stress in the Womb: Scientists Discover Link Between Pregnancy Hormones and Child IQ

How stress knocks out your cognitive reserve

Brain Battles: How Stress Wipes Out Your Cognitive Reserve