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Studies on how star-shaped cells reshape our understanding of memory suggests that these cells play a role in both the formation and storage of memories, challenging the established theory that memories are stored only in our neurons.

Origami-designed tubes weigh just 2 pounds, can support up to 165 pounds, and fold flat for convenient transport and storage. - Stack Today

New battery cathode material could revolutionize EV market and energy storage

A whopping 80% of new US electricity capacity this year came from solar and battery storage

Recent volcanic 'fires' in Iceland triggered by storage and melting in crust

Recent volcanic ‘Fires’ in Iceland triggered by storage and melting in the crust - EurekAlert

Storage, form, and influencing factors of karst inorganic carbon in a carbonate area in China - EurekAlert

Game-Changer in Electric Vehicles: New Battery Design Curbs Fires & Supercharges Storage