
Stoning, or lapidation, is a method of capital punishment where a group throws stones at a person until the subject dies from blunt trauma.

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Stone tools help monkeys thrive in hostile habitats

DGIST develops “two birds with one stone” tec - EurekAlert

'It explains why our ability to focus has gone to hell': Screens are assaulting our Stone Age brains with more information than we can handle

‘Turning to Stone’ paints rocks as storytellers and mentors

Genome evidence points to plague in Stone Age European population crash

A heart of stone: Study defines the process of and defenses against cardiac valve calcification

A heart of stone: Study defines the process of and defenses against cardiac valve calcification - EurekAlert

‘It’s really a horror.’ Bones from across Europe suggest Stone Age ritual killings

Stone tools discovered in Ukraine could be the oldest evidence of human presence in Europe

Stone tools in Ukraine were left by Europe’s first known humans

Scientists found a Stone Age megastructure submerged in the Baltic Sea

Submerged wall could be the largest Stone Age megastructure in Europe

Leave no stone unturned in search for an explanation of consciousness

A shark nursery may be a stone's throw from Miami's bright lights

Stone By Ancient Stone, Mexico Recovers Its Lost Treasures

Were these stone balls made by ancient human relatives trying to perfect the sphere?

Stone tools in Filipino cave were used to make ropes 40,000 years ago

Ancient humans may have risked their lives making stone tools

Reactivated Genes From Stone Age Dental Plaque Reveal Lost Mouth Microbes

Stone Engravings of Mysterious Ancient Megastructures May Be World's Oldest 'Blueprints'