
The Orange Free State (Dutch: Oranje Vrijstaat; Afrikaans: Oranje-Vrystaat;) was an independent Boer sovereign republic under British suzerainty in Southern Africa during the second half of the 19th century, which ceased to exist after it was defeated and surrendered to the British Empire at the end of the Second Boer War in 1902.

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How Trump’s Medical Research Cuts Would Hit Colleges and Hospitals in Every State

2024 State-of-the-Art Small Spacecraft Technology Report is Released

A Swearing Expert Discusses the State of Profanity

California's marine protected areas boost fish populations across the state

California’s marine protected areas boost fish populations across the state - EurekAlert

Bird flu has likely killed hundreds of birds in Massachusetts: 'Virus is widespread in the state'

University of Oklahoma receives federal funding to improve health care access across the state - EurekAlert

Researchers: If Power-to-X is to be a real climate solution, the state needs to use the stick

How monitoring your sweat could reveal the state of your health

State-wide center for quantum science: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology joins IQST as a new partner - EurekAlert

Cooling With Light: Solid-State Optical Cooling Using Quantum Dots

Breaking Physics: Scientists Reveal “Impossible” State of Matter That’s Both Solid and Superfluid

Enhanced YOLOv7 for identifying state of sliding chair in railway turnout - EurekAlert

The State of The Ocean Is Intrinsically Linked to Human Health

Earlier this year experts gathered at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory for the largest, most detailed simulation of an asteroid strike on a US city. North Carolina's city of Winston-­Salem volunteered to be "impacted," and hundreds of state and local officials played the "wargame."

Researchers ‘in a state of panic’ after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Trump will hand him health agencies

Mount Sinai opens state-of-the-art center for patients with complex conditions including Lyme disease and long COVID - EurekAlert

These Creatures Occupy 'Third State' Beyond Life And Death, Scientists Say

Some cells can enter a 'third state that lies beyond the traditional boundaries of life and death.' Here's how.

How the brain's inner chamber governs our state of consciousness