
Starlink is a satellite internet constellation operated by SpaceX providing satellite Internet access to most of the Earth. The constellation consists of over 1600 satellites in mid-2021, and will eventually consist of many thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit, which communicate with designated ground transceivers. While the technical possibility of satellite internet service covers most of the global population, actual service can be delivered only in countries that have licensed SpaceX to provide service within any specific national jurisdiction. As of September 2021, the beta service offering is available in 17 countries. The SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond, Washington houses the Starlink research, development, manufacturing, and orbit control teams. The cost of the decade-long project to design, build, and deploy the constellation was estimated by SpaceX in May 2018 to be at least US$10 billion. Product development began in 2014.

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SpaceX to bounce back from Falcon 9 failure with Starlink launch early on July 27

Satellites Like Starlink Could Pose New Threat to Our Healing Ozone Layer

SpaceX launching 20 Starlink satellites from California tonight

SpaceX launches 23 satellites from Florida on 1st leg of Starlink doubleheader (video)

Two giants in the satellite telecom industry join forces to counter Starlink

SpaceX launches Starlink satellites on company's 40th mission of 2024 (video)

SpaceX launching 21 Starlink satellites from California on April 6

Starlink's FCC Request For More Spectrum Denied

Ukraine relies on Starlink for its drone war. Russia appears to be bypassing sanctions to use the devices too

Global satellite capacity prices tumble in Starlink’s wake

Starlink's Laser System Is Beaming 42 Million GB of Data Per Day

SpaceX launches two rockets from two coasts in Starlink doubleheader (video)

Space wars: Europe’s master plan to counter Elon Musk’s Starlink

Starship, Starlink and more: SpaceX poised for huge 2024

Project Kuiper: Amazon's answer to SpaceX's Starlink passes 'crucial' test

Elon Musk, Israel agree on use of SpaceX Starlink satellite internet in Gaza

SpaceX targets late-night Monday launch of Falcon 9 rocket on Starlink satellite mission

Army combat advisors testing military version of Elon Musk’s Starlink

SpaceX details Starlink-for-phones plan, launching in 2024

Amazon is launching its first internet satellites to rival Starlink