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Giant Bubbles May Explain Betelgeuse’s Surprising ‘Spin’

Unlocking Quantum Secrets With Spin-Squeezing Atomic Entanglement

Quantum Leap: How Spin Squeezing Pushes Limits of Atomic Clock Accuracy

Unlocking the Secrets of Altermagnets in Spin-Based Electronics

It's the spin that makes the difference

Spin State Secrets: Unlocking the Mysteries of Open-Shell Catalysts

New soft robots roll like tires, spin like tops and orbit like moons

A renegade moon may have flipped Venus’s spin

Denmark's comic strip bear Rasmus Klump takes a spin on the space station

Taming computers’ energy consumption with a new “spin glass” material

quantum mechanics: Unlocking the secrets of spin with high-harmonic probes

M87’s Wobbling Jet: A Spin on Black Hole Mysteries

Supermassive Black Hole’s Spin Verified – Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Shines

Can Electrons Really Spin Around?

M87 galaxy's black hole exhibits spin, latest study confirms

Atomic-scale spin-optical laser: New horizon of optoelectronic devices