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How Do Some People Run So Fast? The Science of Speed Explained

Superfast drone fitted with new 'rotating detonation rocket engine' approaches the speed of sound

Neutron Stars are Jetting Material Away at 40% the Speed of Light

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current changes its speed as the climate warms or cools; scientists have charted these changes in velocity for the past 5.3 million years

First discovery that electrons move in four dimensions at the speed of light

Radical New Discovery Could Double The Speed of Existing Computers

Warp Speed Ahead: How Our Galaxy’s Black Hole Bends Spacetime

At the Speed of Light: Unveiling the Chip That’s Reimagining AI Processing

What would happen if you moved at the speed of light?

Nanofiber bandages fight infection, speed healing

RoboChem: Scientists Develop Chemical Synthesis Robot That Outperforms Human Chemists in Speed and Accuracy

Black-hole 'particle accelerators' are causing mysterious cosmic rays to rain down on Earth at nearly the speed of light

Robot trained to read braille at twice the speed of humans

Need for speed: How hummingbirds switch mental gears in flight

People’s ‘speed of sight’ varies and this may explain sporting prowess

Defects Seen Traveling Through Diamond Faster Than The Speed of Sound

Safety, not speed, should be the priority in launch mishap probes, FAA advisory group says

Star explosions boost deep space cosmic rays to near the speed of light

Light-Speed Ahead: NASA’s Pioneering Leap Into Laser Data Transmission

'Robo-Taxi Takeover' Hits Speed Bumps