NASA needs $1 Billion 'Space Tug' to Deorbit ISS. Since the 356-foot-wide laboratory is too big to completely vaporize if left to naturally burn in Earth’s atmosphere, the space agency intends to send a US spacecraft to help deorbit the station and direct its reentry over the South Pacific.

Rare hybrid solar eclipse 2023 delights South Pacific skywatchers (photos)

Satellite Captures Dramatic Tsunami-Triggering Volcanic Eruption in South Pacific

Catastrophic Australian Fires Fueled Unprecedented Blooms in the Far South Pacific

Living fossil with arms made of 'pig snouts' discovered in the South Pacific

Genetic admixture in the South Pacific: From Denisovans to the human immune response

Genetic admixture in the South Pacific: from Denisovans to the human immune response

Extinct Caribbean bird's closest relatives hail from Africa, South Pacific

Extinct Caribbean bird's closest relatives hail from Africa, South Pacific