South Georgia

South Georgia is an island in the southern Atlantic Ocean that is part of the British Overseas Territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. It lies around 1,400 kilometres east of the Falkland Islands. Stretching in the east–west direction, South Georgia is around 170 kilometres long and has a maximum width of 35 kilometres. The terrain is mountainous, with the central ridge rising to 2,935 metres at Mount Paget. The northern coast is indented with numerous bays and fjords, serving as good harbours. Discovered by Europeans in 1675, South Georgia had no indigenous population due to harsh climate and remoteness.

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Iceberg Grinds to a Stop off South Georgia Island

Mega-iceberg from Antarctica on collision course with South Georgia: Harbinger of things to come?

Mega-iceberg from Antarctica on collision course with South Georgia: Harbinger of things to come? - EurekAlert

A Portrait of South Georgia: Abundance, Exploitation, Recovery

Massive Iceberg Released Over 150 Billion Tons of Fresh Water Into Ocean As It Scraped Past South Georgia

Satellites reveal world's most famous 'mega iceberg' released 152 billion tons of fresh water into ocean as it scraped past South Georgia

There's a rare yellow penguin on South Georgia island, and biologists can't quite explain it

World's largest iceberg continues to break up off the coast of South Georgia

Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off Giant Iceberg As It Drifts Alarmingly Close to South Georgia

Giant Iceberg on Collision Course With South Georgia Could Wreak Havoc [Video]